EU Project BioPop


BioPop was an unusual European (FP6) project about science communication, coordinated by a group of young and dynamic biotechnologists. The goal was to test new ways of involving people in discussions about sensitive issues such as cloning and GMO and to bring biotechnologies to the city square—literally—with two public events in Bologna and Delft.


Working as a media panellist/advisor, I helped the project develop a successful communication strategy. A key decision was to tap into the most valuable resource within the project: the young, motivated and communicative researchers of the BioPop group. Instead of just hiring explainers for the square events, we encouraged these young scientists to interact directly with the public and to engage in open discussions. Volunteers were submitted to an intense communication training program that prepared them to interact with the public.



The program had at least two positive outcomes: It created a direct relationship between scientists and the public, and it trained a number of young researchers for public communication of science, enriching their career. The format was original and the results were well documented. It would be great to implement a similar strategy for other communication projects. Are there any volunteers out there?